Saving Progress~

Heyo Game Changers,

Update on the Bday Charity PNGtuber Debut Goal Redeems:

I hope this message finds all pact holders well~

For those wondering- do not fret mortals, the charity goal redeems are still on my mind. The efforts of our Game Changers guild are not lost on this Goddess~ I respect all the combined might of our community, and want to honor it with the best events I can muster. 

To be transparent:

Since posting my last update in April, I will admit my living conditions and some circumstances have worsened. Please don’t worry about me or be discouraged I have always figured out a way against life’s obstacles and tribulations just like all of ya'll- and I’m not as afraid cuz I know I have a phenomenal community at my back. 

I’ve considered going on hiatus until some things subside. But at the moment I think I can keep pushing. To be honest ya’ll energy in stream brightens up my day and encourages tf outta me to not give up.

That being said I’m going try to work on getting back to Let’s Plays and uploading on Youtube / Tikto in the meantime. Once things are a bit more stable- will go full throttle on the redeems!  All the redeems are planned out for 10 total events! 

Dates to be announced:

  1. 24 hour 18+ stream

  2. IRL date stream

  3. 1v1 Tourney

  4. Baking / Boba ASMR stream

  5. Mecha headset building

  6. Bartender stream~

  7. Yoko Cosplay

  8. Mukbang stream

  9. Buzzcut + donate hair to charity

  10.  2n Annual Holiday Eboi / Egirl application

I appreciate your patience with me- I had everything planned out with dates so it is frustrating on my end to have to wait especially with how hard everyone showed up for the charity debut. But I know anytime with the Game Changers is a cherished moment.

This Fall I am hoping my situation gets better~

Either way I’m not going anywhere.

Until then, remember to stop and enjoy the starlight on our way to galactic revolution.

You're loved unconditionally,

Mayari 🌙


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